Real Parts Tested Virtually





The event will consist of three parts:

  • Day 1-2: User training of the various techniques required for image-based simulation
  • Day 3-4: User and developer forum with keynote talks, presentations and a networking reception
  • Day 5: R&D collaboration workshop

An up-to-date programme, where details such as specific talk timings and titles, will be added to our sister site nearer the time of the event. You may also browse previous events’ programmes and download presentations for an example of the sessions at IBSim-4i.

Covid-19 Contingency Planning

Since we announced this year’s IBSim-4i event earlier this year we have seen significant relaxation of social distancing regulations in the UK. Although forecasts are suggesting that we are well on course for these to be relaxed further in the coming months, we appreciate there is still a large uncertainty around committing to travel for such an event.

We still sincerely hope that we will be hosting this year’s event ‘in-person’ as planned. However, we thought it pertinent to share some details about contingency plans with you to alleviate any concerns you may have in committing to attending.

  • Scenario A, no restrictions remain: We will host a fully ‘in-person’ event at the IOP’s headquarters in London with no live online offering.
  • Scenario B, limited restrictions which may impact some individuals (e.g. not feasible to travel to the UK or needing to self-isolate at short notice): We will host an ‘in-person’ event with arrangements for individuals who cannot be present to attend virtually.
  • Scenario C, restrictions increase severely limiting venue capacity: The event will move online, we will rearrange the schedule to avoid screen lethargy and registration fees will be adjusted appropriately.

If you have any queries about the venue’s Covid-19 arrangements please email

Information for speakers

Keynote speakers will have 45 minutes (35 mins + 10 mins Q&A), other presenters are given 20 minutes (15 mins + 5 mins Q&A).
